Goodbye Thonburi
What is now an empty lot, used to be a place where I got my hair cut and ate noodles
My neighbor, who works as an ambulance driver, likes drinking with his dogs on his days off
A Pidgeon eating a sprit offering A child playing near a polluted khlong
Chilis drying in the sun
Kids playing on the same street as my studio. Most of their parents are factory workers. I think only one of them has a smart phone but isn’t allowed to use it much so they often invent their own games to play together. Here is their version of jump rope. I think, If you lose, you have to put your sandals on the rope. As you can see, a lot of people lost. haha
Shot on Kodak Pan-X Film which expired in 1978 – Developed in Kodak D76
I traded my Contax G2 for a Leica M4-P. Here are some shots from the first roll. Developed HP5+ in Kodak D76 – Voigtlander Ultron 35mm f/1.7 LTM [which was given to me by a friend for repairing his Fuji Klasse]